
KSETA offers seminars, which usually are organized by KSETA-related institutions like the research training group and the participating institutes. Furthermore there are seminars given by guest researchers and the yearly special seminar given by the Julius Wess laureate. Some of the regular seminars like research seminars, institute and group seminars are also listed in the university calendar of KIT.



The research training group GRK 1694: Elementary Particle Physics at Highest Energy and highest Precision has been established to educate PhD students in the field of experimental and theoretical elementary particle physics at highest energies (LHC) and precision (KATRIN, Belle). During lecture period it organizes a weekly colloquium and a weekly seminar. Please check the table below for details.


Colloquium of the Physics Department

The physics deparmtent offers several seminars and other events. Please find current information on the department website.



The KCETA particle physics colloquiums usually take place on Thursdays and are held by guests.

All KCETA colloquiums can be found under this link.


Guest Scientists

In addition to the regular seminars and colloquiums we offer lectures of guest scientists.

2018Prof. Felix Sharipov
2017Prof. Ricardo Piegaia and Dr. Dario Rodrigues
2017Prof. Gustavo E. Romero


Seminars of Julius Wess Awardees