KSETA Topical Courses

KSETA offers two-week block courses, the so-called KSETA Topical Courses which take place in spring and fall during the semester breaks, with intern as well as extern trainers and lecturers.

A survey of the fellows helps to adapt the course offers to the current needs. Also KSETA fellows can turn in suggestions for courses via the fellow representatives.

Furthermore KSETA fellows may participate in courses of other providers:

The High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart offers a variety of courses in parallel programming, machine learning and others: https://www.hlrs.de/training/.

With the supervision agreement KSETA fellows commit to attending at least on course per semester during their period spent on the doctorate.

At the end of their promotion KSETA fellows will receive a transcript of the courses they attended. The duration of intern as well as extern courses must be at least 6 hours in order to be mentioned in the trancript. There will be lists of participants during the courses. For extern courses a certificate of attendance and a short description must be submitted to Raquel Lujan.

KSETA Topical Courses March 2025

The next KSETA Topical Courses will be held from March 17th to  28th, 2025.

The following courses are offered:

  1. Science Communication for Particle Physics (better; all)
    Jens Kube (AWKJK)
  2. Superconducting magnets for particle accelerators (broader; all)
    Axel Bernhard (KIT) and Bennet Krasch (KIT)
  3. Software Engineering for Physicists (better; all)
    Pranav Sampathkumar (KIT) (postponed)
  4. Future Particle Collider(s): Which? Why? When? (broader; Particle Physicists)
    Christophe Grojean (DESY)
  5. Computer algebra and Symbolica (deeper; Theoretical Physicists)
    Ben Ruijl (Ruijl Research)
  6. Direct searches for dark matter (broader; Experimental physicists)
    Belina von Krosigk (Uni. Heidelberg) and Teresa Marrodan (MPIK)
  7. Scientific Writing (better; all)
    CJ Fitzsimons (Leadership Sculptor)

The presentations of the courses will be stored in the download area as soon as they are delivered.

Course list with short description (with timetable and rooms)

Please note that you must have attended a full course to be included on the KSETA transcript.

KSETA Topical Courses October 2024

KSETA Topical Courses from October 7th to 18th, 2024.

The next courses were offered:

  1. Searching for new physics with gravitational waves: let’s build an extreme-mass ratio inspiral waveform generator! (deeper; Particle and Astroparticle Physicists)
    Jens Boos (KIT)
  2. Comprehensive Guide to Modern Web Technologies and Personal Webpage Development (better; all)
    Nicholas Tan Jerome (KIT)
  3. FPGA programming with hands on (broader; all)
    Luis Ardila (KIT), Timo Muscheid (KIT) and Lukas Scheller (KIT)
  4. Lattice QCD (broader; Theoretical Particle Physicists)
    Andreas Jüttner (CERN)
  5. Rhetoric in Scientific Presentation (better; all)
    Sara Rogalski (IMPETUS/Prioriset)
  6. Novel strategies for high-granularity and radiation hardness LGAD sensors and front-end electronics (broader; all)
    Michele Caselle (KIT)
  7. How to Create Better Data Visualizations (better; all)
    Eamonn Maguire (Oxford)
  8. Software Engineering for Physicists (better; all)
    Pranav Sampathkumar (KIT)

The presentations of the courses will be stored in the download area as soon as they are delivered.

Schedule and rooms: Course list with short description

Please note that you must have attended a full course to be included on the KSETA transcript.

KSETA Topical Courses February/March 2024

KSETA Topical courses from February 19th to March 1st, 2024.

  1. The Standard Model Effective Field Theory: theory and phenomenological applications (broader; all)
    Ilaria Brivio (University of Bologna)
  2. Dynamics of spacetime: gravitational waves and cosmology (broader; all)
    Bjoern Malte Schaefer (Uni. of Heidelberg)
  3. Scientific Writing (better; all)
    CJ Fitzsimons (Leadership Sculptor)
  4. Ethics in the lab (better; all)
    Alexander Bagattini (KIT)
  5. Brane Dynamics (deeper/broader; Theoretical Particle Physicists)
    Marco Bonetti (KIT)
  6. Introduction and practical exercises: Detection of ionizing radiation (broader; for students without practical knowledge of ionizing radiation)
    Joachim Wolf (KIT)
  7. Higgs physics (broader; Particle and Astroparticle Physicists)
    Georg Weiglein (DESY)
  8. Acceleration and transport of galactic cosmic rays (broader; Astroparticle Physicists)
    Philipp Mertsch (RWTH AAchen)

The presentations of the courses will be stored in the download area as soon as they are delivered.

Course list with short description

Please note that you must have attended a full course to be included on the KSETA transcript.

KSETA Topical Courses September/October 2023

KSETA Topical courses from September 18th to 25th, 2023 and from October 2nd to 6th, 2023.

  1. FPGA programming with hands on (broader; all)
    Timo Muscheid (KIT) and Lukas Scheller (KIT)
  2. Presenting Science: How to prepare a scientific presentation with impact! (better; all)
    Cigdem Issever (HU Berlin)
  3. Medical Physics in Radiation Therapy (broader; all)
    Niklas Wahl (DKFZ), Tim Gehrke (DKFZ) and Oliver Jäkel (DKFZ)
  4. Philosophy of Science (broader; all)
    Rafaela Hillerbrand (KIT)
  5. The BPHZ theorem: a decisive turn in the history of quantum field theory (deeper; Theoretical Particle Physicists)
    Sergey Volkov (KIT)
  6. Tools and Techniques for Sustainable Research Software Development (broader; all)
    René Caspart (KIT) and Michele Mesiti (KIT)
  7. Julius Wess Lecture - Selected Topics on Instrumentation for Particle and Astroparticle Physics
    Elena Aprile (Columbia University, USA) (More info.)
  8. Scalable Artificial Intelligence (broader; all)
    Markus Götz (KIT)

The presentations of the courses will be stored in the download area as soon as they are delivered.

Course list with short description

Please note that you must have attended a full course to be included on the KSETA transcript.

KSETA Topical Courses March 2023

KSETA Topical courses from March 6 to 17, 2023.

  1. From the trees to the forest: neutrino
    masses and connections to new physics
    (deeper; for  theoreticians)
    Michael Schmidt (UNSW, Sydney)
  2. Superconducting Quantum Technology (broader; all)
    Sebastian Kempf
  3. Multi-Messenger Data Analysis (deeper; for astroparticle physicists)
    Markus Ahlers (NBI, Copenhagen)
  4. Modern Machine Learning for Particle
    (broader; all)
    Claudius Krause (Uni. Heidelberg)
  5. Basics of Science Communication (better; all) - Number of participants limited to 12
    Christian Scharun (NaWIK)
  6. Solving problems in High Energy Physics with
    the help of Mathematica
    (and other tools) (broader; all)
    Thomas Hahn (MPP, München)
  7. Chip design course (broader; all)
    Ivan Peric

List of courses with short description

The presentations of the courses will be stored in the download area as soon as they are delivered.

KSETA Topical Courses October 2022

KSETA Topical courses from October 10 to 27, 2022.

  1. Scientific writing (better; all) max. 15 participants
    Angela Althen (Sprachenzentrum)
    The course lasts for two days, both of which should be taken.
  2. Symmetry principles of Particle Physics for experimentalists (broader; all)
    Ulrich Nierste (TTP)
  3. Python for Scientists (better; all) max. 16 participants
    Maurice Maurer (Training-scientists.de)
  4. Introduction to QCD and quantum corrections (deeper; theoretician)
    Gudrun Heinrich(ITP)
  5. Project management (better; all)
    Udo Erdmann (tiber)
  6. Introduction to quantum computing (better; all)
    Ioan Pop (IQMT)
  7. Scientific presentation (better; all)
    E. Magyarosi
    The course lasts for two days, both of which should be taken.

List of courses with short description
The presentations of the courses will be stored in the download area as soon as they are delivered.

KSETA Topical Courses February 2022

KSETA Topical courses from February 14 to 25, 2022.

  1. Introduction to general relativity for experimentalists (broader)
    E. Hackmann (Bremen)
  2. Monte Carlo simulations (broader)
    S. Gieseke (KIT)
  3. Statistical methods in particle physics data analysis (broader)
    A. Meyer (DESY)
  4. Introduction to Parallel Computing on multiand many-cores architectures (broader) - max. 20 participants
    F. Pantaleo (CERN)
  5. FPGA programming / signal processing (broader) - max. 16 participants
    O. Sander et al. (KIT)
  6. Managing physical and mental health in a high-stress environment (better) - max. 12 participants
    M. Maurer (Training Scientists)

List of courses with short description
The presentations of the courses will be stored in the download area as soon as they are delivered.

KSETA Topical Courses October 2021

KSETA Topical courses from October 4 to 15, 2021.

  1. Introduction to quantum physics (broader)
    U. Husemann (KIT)
  2. OLED-displays: From fundamental solid state physics to a multi-billion € industry (broader)
    U. Lemmer (KIT)
  3. Introduction to Machine Learning and Deep Learning (broader)
    S. Kast (Bosch)
  4. Baryogenesis (deeper) 
    M. Shaposhnikov (EPFL)
  5. Scientific Journalism (better) - Number of participants limited to 25
    R. Krauter (Deutschlandradio)
  6. Broad introduction into modern experimental particle physics (broader)
    F. Hartmann (KIT)
  7. Low-Temperature (Superconductive) Detectors (broader)
    S. Kempf (KIT)
  8. Neutrino mass phenomenology (broader)
    W. Rodejohann (MPIK)

List of courses with short description
The presentations of the courses will be stored in the download area as soon as they are delivered.

KSETA Topical Courses March 2021

KSETA Topical Courses from March 1 to 12, 2021.

  1. Scientific presentation (better) Number of participants limited to 12!
    E. Magyarosi
  2. Organic Semi-conductors (broader)
    W. Wenzel (INT), A. Colsmann (LTI)
  3. Introduction to astroparticle physics (broader)
    D. Kang (IAP), D. Veberic (IAP)
  4. Statistical methods in particle physics data analysis (broader)
    A. Meyer (DESY)
  5. High Performance Computing at KIT (broader)
    J. Buchmüller, M. Götz, S. Braun (SCC)
  6. Observational Cosmology (broader)
    H. Hildebrandt (Uni Bochum)

List of courses with short description
The presentations of the courses will be stored in the download area as soon as they are delivered.

KSETA Topical Courses September/October 2020

KSETA Topical Courses from September 28 until October 9 and October 28-29.

  1. Feynman Diagrams in Condensed Matter Theory (broader; for theoreticians and experimentalists)
    Markus Garst (TFP)
  2. Projectmanagement (better; for all)
    Udo Erdmann (TIBER)
  3. Scientific writing (better; for all). 
    Note: number of participants limited to 12! 
    C. Fitzsimons
  4. Neutrino physics (broader; for theoreticians, experimentalists and engineers)
    Th. Schwetz-Mangold
  5. Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics (broader; theoreticians and experimentalists)
    Roderich Tumulka 
  6. System-on-Chip (ASIC) (deeper; experimentalists and engineers)
    I. Peric (IPE) 
  7. Introduction to Machine Learning and Deep Learning (broader; for theoreticians, experimentalists and engineers)
    Simon Kast (Bosch)

List of courses with short description
The presentations of the courses will be stored in the download area as soon as they are delivered.

KSETA Topical Courses March 2020

KSETA Topical Courses from March 9 to 20, 2020.
  1. Graph Theory: with connection to Feynman diagrams (broader; for theoreticians and experimentalists)
    D. Hespe, S. Lamm, T. Heuer (ITI)
  2. Scientific writing (better; for all). Note: number of participants limited to 12!
    C. J. Fitzsimons (Fa. Uber)
  3. FPGA programming: with hands on sessions (broader; for experimentalists)
    Oliver Sander (IPE)
  4. Introduction to Lattice Gauge Theory (broader; for experimentalists and theoreticians particle physicists)
    Tomasz Korzec (Uni. Wuppertal) 
  5. Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics (broader; all)
    Roderich Tumulka (Uni Tübingen)
  6. Neutrino physics (broader; for theoreticians, experimentalists and engineers)
    Th. Schwetz-Mangold (IKP)
  7. Feynman Diagrams in Condensed Matter Theory (broader; for all)
    Markus Garst (TFP)
  8. Project management, technology and innovation management (better; for all)
    Udo Erdmann (Fa. TIBER)

List of courses with short description

The presentations of the courses will be stored in the download area as soon as they are delivered.

KSETA Topical Courses September/October 2019

Week 1
Week 2
  1. Introduction to quantum computing (broader; for all)
    M. Marthaler (HQS GmbH), I. Pop (PHI)
  2. Understanding Machine Learning Methods (deeper; for specialists)
    Stefan Wunsch (ETP)
  3. Advanced topics in QCD: Soft-Collinear-Effective-Field-Theory, resummation
    (deeper; for theoreticians)
    Guido Bell (Uni Siegen)
  4. Human made Climate Change: Facts, Mechanism, Causes (broader; for all)
    Thomas Leisner (IMK) et al.
  5. Graph Theory (with connection to Feynman diagrams) (broader; for theoreticians)
    S. Schlag, D. Hespe, S. Lamm (ITI)
  6. Symmetry principles of particle physics (broader; for experimentalists)
    Ulrich Nierste (TTP), Matthias Linster (TTP)
  7. Observational Astronomy (broader)
    Victoria Grinberg (Uni Tübingen)
  8. Basics of Machine Learning (broader; for all)
    Simon Kast (Bosch)

List of courses with short description
The presentations of the courses will be stored in the download area as soon as they are delivered.

KSETA Topical Courses April 2019

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3

KSETA Topical Courses from April 1 - 16, 2019.

  1. Introduction to Regge theory and Gribovs Reggeon calculus (deeper; for theoreticians)
    Klaus Werner (U Nantes)
  2. Machine learning, deep learning (broader; for theoreticians, experimentalists, engineers)
    Gregor Kasiezka (DESY)
  3. Applying Python in Scientific Computing (broader; for theoreticians, experimentalists, engineers)
    Manuel Giffels (KIT)
  4. Introduction and use of Raspberry Pi
    (broader; for theoreticians, experimentalists, engineers; max. 20 participants)
    Bernhard Siebenborn, Christoph Heidecker (KIT)
  5. Introduction to string theory (broader; for theoreticians)
    Erik Plauschinn (LMU)
  6. Gamma-ray astronomy (deeper)
    Gernot Maier (DESY) (room 10/1!)
  7. Scientific Journalism (better; for all): June 3, 9:00 – 16:45 (bldg. 30.23, seminar room 6/1).  Abstract
    Ralf Krauter (Deutschlandradio)

List of courses with short description
The presentations of the courses will be stored in the download area as soon as they are delivered.

KSETA Topical Courses September/October 2018

Topical Courses Sept
Topical Courses Oct, week 1
Topical Courses Oct, week 2

KSETA Topical Courses from September 27, 2018 to October 12, 2018.

  1. Unitarity methods (deeper; for theoreticians)
    Fernando Febres Cordero (U Freiburg)
  2. Probing the early Universe with Gravitational Waves (broader; for experimentalists, theoreticians)
    Daniel Figueroa (EPFL)
  3. Physics of cosmic accelerators (deeper; experimentalists, for theoreticians)
    Foteini Oikonomou (ESO, Munich)
  4. Cosmology: expanding space and expanding confusion (deeper; for theoreticians)
    Björn Malte Schäfer (U Heidelberg)
  5. Applied Bayesian Data Analysis in Astroparticle Physics (deeper; for experimentalists, theoreticians)
    Kevin Kröninger (CERN)
  6. Nonrelativistic QCD (deeper; for theoreticians)
    Alexander Penin (U Alberta, Canada)
  7. What to do after leaving science (better; for all)
    Udo Erdmann (TIBER)
  8. Self-assessment and Application (better; for all; max. 15 participants)
    Doris Brenner (extern)

Please find a list of these courses with a short description here.
The presentations of the courses will be stored in the download area as soon as they are delivered.

KSETA Topical Courses March 2018

Topical Courses week 1
Topical Courses week 2

KSETA Topical Courses from March 5 - 16, 2018

  1. General theoretical concepts on particle physics (broader; for engineers and experimentalists)
    Monika Blanke (KIT)
  2. What do I need, if I will leave science towards industry? (better; for all)
    Udo Erdmann (TIBER)
  3. Scientific writing (better; for all) - max. 14 participants
    William Uber
  4. Classical solutions for elementary particle physics (broader; for theoreticians)
    Frans Klinkhamer (KIT)
  5. How to write maintainable software (broader; for all); Martin Heck (KIT)
  6. From the farmers' almanac to exascale computing – the challenge of predicting the weather (broader; for all)
    Peter Knippertz (KIT)
  7. Particle physics for astroparticle physicists (broader; for astroparticle physicists)
    Roger Wolf, Matthias Mozer (both KIT)

Please find a list of these courses with a short description here.
The presentations of the courses will be stored in the download area as soon as they are delivered.

Memorizing, reading and working strategies

In the first part of the seminar, you get to know different memorizing strategies that help you to remember numerous kinds of information quickly and reliably – names and dates, the content of a speech or presentation, as well as complex contents, whose acquirement extend over several months. Besides getting to know the methods, we will especially focus upon the adjustment of your own thinking model and structures. In this way, you will have the possibility to develop your own memorizing strategies during numerous practical exercises, which allow you to apply the mnemonic-techniques in your professional and private everyday life.

The second part of the seminar deals with reading and working strategies, which enable a quicker and more efficient reading and working speed. We will do some exercises for rapid and disciplined eye movements. You will get to know verified learning and reading strategies and we will deal with themes such as reading motivation and reading assistance. Furthermore, we will learn how to improve concentration, to expand your vocabulary and to read more efficiently at your computer.


  • Memorizing information quickly and long lasting
  • Store (expert) knowledge in a structured way
  • Crosslink different fields of knowledge effectively
  • Access knowledge selectively and reliably
  • Develop efficient reading and working habits


  • Memorizing names and people
  • Memorizing numbers
  • Memorizing large contents of information
  • How to learn vocabulary and technical terms
  • Reading levels
  • How to improve your reading speed
  • Reading effectively technical books and papers using the SQ3R method
  • How to improve working processes and concentration using the Pomodoro technique and other digital helping tools.

Lecturer Erika Magyarosi
Date November 16 and 23, 2017 – both days 9:00-17:00 h
Place KIT Campus South, building 10.11, room 111.1

Course information

KSETA Topical Courses September 2017

10th KSETA Topical Courses September 18 - 29, 2017

KSETA offered the following courses:
  1. Software Design for Scientists (better); Benedikt Hegner (CERN)
  2. Introduction to Multivariate Classification: Traditional Techniques and Deep Learning (better); Thomas Keck (KIT)
  3. Quantum Field Theory for Experimentalists (broader); Michael Rauch (KIT)
  4. Neutrino Physics and neutrino Oscillations (deeper); Christian Weinheimer (Uni Münster)
  5. Self-assessment and Application (better); Doris Brenner (Personal Trainer)
  6. General Theoretical Concepts on Particle Physics (broader); N.N. – postponed to spring 2018
  7. Introduction to Graph Theory (broader); Daniel Funke (KIT)
  8. Modern Silicon Detectors (deeper); Ivan Peric (KIT)

Please find a list of these courses with a short description here

The presentations of the courses will be stored in the download area as soon as they are delivered.

2-Days KSETA Course: Scientific Writing

This course helps you to gain confidence in your scientific writing and editing skills, and provides you feedback and tips that help to improve your current and future writing projects.

Lecturer William Uber
Dates Wednesday, 24.05.2017, 9:00 - 17:00 h, Wednesday, 31.05.2017, 9:00 - 17:00 h
Place KIT CS, bldg. 30.28, seminar room 1

Course information

KSETA Topical Courses Spring 2017

Topical Courses week 1
Topical Courses week 2

The 9th KSETA Topical Courses took place in two separated weeks, because of too many clashing other events: March 20 – 24, 2017 and April 3 – 7, 2017.

We offered the following courses:

  1. Solid State Physics for Elementary Particle Physicist (broader); Wulf Wulfhekel (KIT)
    New room: Bldg. 30.22, Kleiner Hörsaal A
  2. What do I need, if I will leave science towards industry? (better); Udo Erdmann (TIBER)
  3. Introduction to General Relativity (broader); Viacheslav Emelyanov
  4. Fundamental physics studied with radio astronomy (broader); Michael Kramer (Uni Bonn)
  5. Low Temperature Detectors for Astroparticle Physics (deeper); Loredana Gastaldo (Uni Heidelberg)
  6. Introduction to Lattice Gauge Theory (broader); Stefan Sint (Trinity College Dublin)
  7. Introduction to statistical methods in particle and astroparticle (broader); Thomas Schwetz-Mangold (KIT)
  8. Axionic and WISPy Cold Dark Matter (broader); Joerg Jaeckel (Uni Heidelberg)


Please find a list of these courses with a short description here.
Please find the presentations of the courses here.

KSETA Workshop – Work-Family-Balance: Self-management for PhD students with children

2-day Workshop

The Karlsruhe School of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics: Science and Technology (KSETA) is offering a workshop on "Work-Family-Balance: Selfmanagement for PhD students with children”. The workshop is open to students from all fields.

Dates Tuesday, 4.10.16, 9.00h-17.00h, Wednesday, 5.10.16, 9.00h-17.00h
Room 10-1, “Physics Building”, Bldg. 30.23, Campus South
Tina Christiansen, Christiansen Consulting
Language English

The workshop primarily aims at PhD students with children. Interested PhD students who consider starting a family or Master students with children interested in starting a PhD are welcome, provided that places are available.


  • What roles do I play in my life (student, parent, partner) and how do I manage them?
  • My personal energy budget is limited. How do I best manage my resources?
  • What are my personal motives and goals?
  • How do I deal with my own expectations and those of others (supervisor, partner, child)?
  • There will be time allocated to discuss practical problems or conflicts for all participants in feedback/coaching sessions.

Participation is free of charge.

Course information

KSETA Workshop: Durchsetzung mal anders – als Frau überzeugen

1,5-tägiger Workshop

Die Karlsruher Schule für Elementarteilchen- und Astroteilchenphysik: Wissenschaft und Technologie (KSETA) bietet einen Workshop zum Thema Durchsetzungsstrategien für Frauen an. Der Workshop richtet sich an Doktorandinnen aus allen Fachrichtungen.

Datum Donnerstag, 27.10.16, 9.00h-17.00h, Freitag, 28.10.16, 9.00h-13.00h
Raum 111.2, Geb. 10.11, Campus Süd
Referentin Tina Christiansen, Christiansen Consulting
Sprache Deutsch

Der Workshop richtet sich an Doktorandinnen. Masterstudentinnen, die planen eine Promotion aufzunehmen, sind ebenfalls herzlich eingeladen, sofern noch Plätze verfügbar sind.

Ziele/Inhalte des Workshops:

  • Soziologische und psychologische Hintergründe des geschlechterspezifischen Verhandlungsverhaltens verstehen
  • Die eigenen inneren Antreiber kennen lernen und Strategien im Umgang mit eigenen Blockaden entwickeln
  • Eigene Standpunkte und Forderungen klar und überzeugend kommunizieren und sich beharrlich durchsetzen, auch gegen verbale Angriffe
  • Den eigenen Stil in konfliktreichen Verhandlungen reflektieren
  • Alternative Handlungsoptionen in einer dominanz-orientierten Kultur aufbauen
  • Optimierte Eigenwahrnehmung: Selbstbild-Fremdbild-Reflexion ermöglichen

Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei.


KSETA Topical Courses September 2016

Topical Courses week 1
Topical Courses week 2

The 8th KSETA Topical Courses took place from September 12 – 23, 2016.

We offered the following courses:

  1. Particle propagation in astroparticle physics; Günter Sigl (Univ. Hamburg)
  2. Scientific programming with Mathematica (broader); Thomas Hahn (MPI Munich)
  3. Collaborative software design (better); Manuel Giffels, Martin Heck (KIT)
  4. Introduction to cosmology (broader); Silvia Mollerach (UNSAM)
  5. Particle physics for astroparticle physicists (broader); Matthias Mozer, Roger Wolf (KIT)
  6. Introduction to string theory (broader); Timo Weigand (Uni Heidelberg)
  7. Astroparticle physics: 13 billion years of evolution reviewed in a one-day-course (broader); Guido Drexlin, Klaus Eitel, Darko Veberic (KIT)
  8. Memorizing, reading and working strategies (better); Erika Magyarosi (7. + 8. November 2016, max. 12 participants, building 30.95, seminar room A+B)


Please find a list of these courses with a short description here.
We provide presentations of the courses here.

KSETA Topical Courses April 2016

The 7th KSETA Topical Courses took place April 4 - 15, 2016.
We offered the following courses:

  1. The Philosophy of Physics (better); Norman Sieroka (ETH Zürich)
  2. Slavnov-Taylor-Identities and SUSY breaking in Dimensional Reduction (deeper); Dominik Stoeckinger (TU Dresden)
  3. Particle Physics for Engineers (broader); Marc Weber (KIT/IPE)
  4. Data Visualization and Presenting (broader); Siemon Niemes (KIT/ETP)
  5. Introduction to computer aided design (CAD) (broader); Thomas Huber (KIT)
  6. Introduction to neutrino physics (broader); Michael Wurm (Univ. Mainz)


Please find a list of these courses with a short description here.


Courses/seminars at a later date, no registration possible at the moment:

  1. How to write maintainable software (broader); Manuel Zamora (ETECTURE)
  2. Higgs physics beyond the Standard Model (deeper); Carlos Wagner (Univ. Chicago, USA)

Fit for Teaching

December 14-15, 2015 – Basics of Teaching and Learning at University Level 1 (a two-day workshop)

Teaching is not an easy job, especially when you are at the beginning of your career. Of course, you want to make a good job and for that reason you will have different questions about how to design good courses, which teaching methods are appropriate for which purpose and how to motivate and activate your students.

This two-day course is about getting to know instruments, which may help you to master your first teaching experience. You will learn how to design university courses taking into account the conditions of learning and the intended competences. You will be introduced to teaching strategies and teaching methods which you can use in your daily work. In addition you will also have the possibility to reflect your different roles as a University teacher and which consequences result from it.

Some of the objectives of this course are that you can describe the procedure when planning a course and plan a course in a goal-oriented way, you are able to teach in a learner-centered manner and you name and use activating methods for teaching. This course is designed for people who teach for the first time in University contexts. Attending this course you will gain more certainty in teaching and you are able to design your courses more quickly and effective.

This workshop is the basic workshop of the so called "Baden-Württemberg-Zertifikat für Hochschuldidaktik". For further information please see here or contact katrin hess∂kit edu.
An alternative date for a similar workshop, in German only, is December 10+11.

The course is offered by the graduate school GRACE.

KSETA Course: Memorizing, reading and working strategies

The first part of the seminar with Erika Magyarosi was about different memorizing strategies that help you to remember numerous kinds of information quickly and reliably – names and dates, the content of a speech or presentation, as well as complex contents, whose acquirement extend over several months.

The second part of the seminar dealt with reading and working strategies, which enable a quicker and more efficient reading and working speed.


  • Memorizing information quickly and long lasting
  • Store (expert) knowledge in a structured way
  • Crosslink different fields of knowledge effectively
  • Access knowledge selectively and reliably
  • Develop efficient reading and working habits

The course took place on December 1st and 2nd, 2015  9:00 - 17:00 at KIT, Campus South.

Please find more detailed information here.

KSETA Topical Courses October 2015

The 6th KSETA Topical Courses took place from October 5 - 16, 2015.
The following courses were offered:

  1. Introduction into the concepts of theoretical particle physics for experimental physicists (broader); Monika Blanke (KIT/TTP and IKP)
  2. Particle physics for engineers and others (broader); Marc Weber (KIT/IPE)
  3. Modern silicon detectors (deeper); Ivan Peric (KIT/IPE)
  4. Effective Field Theory (deeper); Thomas Becher (Uni Bern)
  5. Time and Selfmanagement in Science (better); Sita Schanne (Uni Heidelberg)
  6. How to write a world class paper – workshop on International publishing (better); (Henri van Dorssen, UK; Dagmar Gebauer, D; both Elsevier)
  7. Multivariate data analysis: New techniques and developments in the recent years (broader); Stefan Ohm (DESY Zeuthen)
  8. Parton Shower Monte Carlo (broader); Stefan Gieseke (KIT/ITP)
  9. What do I need, if I will leave science towards industry? (better); Udo Erdmann (TIBER)


Please find a list of these courses with a short description here.
We provide presentations of the courses here. The access is restricted to members of KIT, please use your KIT-username ("xy1234", not your e-mail address) and password

KSETA Topical Courses March 2015

The 5th KSETA Topical Courses took place from March 16 - 27, 2015.
The following courses were offered:

  1. Practical detector physics in the lab for non-experimentalists (broader); U. Husemann, A. Dierlamm G. Quast, R. Ulrich (KIT) (max. 16 participants)
  2. What do I need, if I will leave science towards industry? (broader); Udo Erdmann (TIBER)
  3. Scientific writing – A quick-start guide (better); Sebastian Fischer (KIT) (max. 15 participants)
  4. Memorizing, reading and working strategies (better); Erika Magyarosi (max. 12 participants)
  5. Astroparticle physics: 13 billion years of evolution reviewed in a one-day-course ; Kathrin Valerius, Klaus Eitel, Markus Roth (KIT)
  6. Experimental top quark physics (deeper); Maria Aldaya (DESY, ETP)
  7. Introduction to flavour physics (deeper); Ulrich Nierste (KIT)
  8. Applying Python in Scientific Computing (broader); Manuel Giffels (KIT) (max. 20 participants)

A list of these courses with a short description can be downloaded here.
Please find the presentations here. The access is restricted to members of KIT, please use your KIT-username ("xy1234", not your e-mail address) and password.

KSETA Workshops on equal opportunity topics, December 2014

"Durchsetzung mal anders - als Frau überzeugen", Trainerin: Tina Christiansen

2 day workshop, KIT Campus South

The workshop provided a platform for researchers (female) to reflect their own behavior patterns in enforcement and negotiation situations, learn new methods and techniques and thus be able to act more successfully in the scientific context. Master/diploma students (female), who were planning to make a PhD were also invited.
Announcement in [pdf] format.

"Selbstmanagement zwischen Familie und Beruf"
, Trainerin: Tina Christiansen

2 day workshop, KIT Campus South

The workshop aimed at researchers with or without children, dealing with the balance and integration of different areas of life and the intention to develop new approaches and solutions in this context. Master/diploma students, who were planning to make a PhD were also invited.
Announcement in [pdf] format.

Course language was German.

KSETA Topical Courses October 2014

The 4th KSETA Topical Courses took place from October 6 – October 17, 2014.
The following courses were offered:

  1. Supersymetry in particle physics and cosmology; Wim de Boer (CERN)
  2. Introduction and use of Raspberry Pi (broader); Hermann-Josef Mathes, KAi Daumiller (KIT) (max. 20 participants)
  3. Particle physics for engineers; Marc Weber (KIT)
  4. Scientific writing - publications; Beate Bornschein, Magnus Schlösser (KIT) (max. 16 participants)
  5. Mentoring fo Bachelor students; Beate Bornschein, Magnus Schlösser (KIT) (max. 16 participants)
  6. Data visualization and presenting; Simon Niemes (KIT)
  7. Introduction into the concepts of theoretical particle physics for experimental physicist; Martin Wiebusch (Durham)
  8. Giving feedback and moderation skills; Anne Zilles, Olga Kambeitz (KIT) (max. 12 participants)
  9. Galactic cosmic radiation; Iris Gebauer (KIT)


Please find short descriptions of the courses here.

KSETA Topical Courses April 2014

The 3rd KSETA Topical Courses took place from March 31 until April 11, 2014.
The following courses were offered:

  1. Projekt management (better); Udo Erdmann (Fa. Tiber)
  2. Applying Python in Scientific Computing (broader); Benjamin Fuchs (KIT)
  3. High Energy Neutrino Astronomy (broader); Thierry Pradier (IPHC, CNRS)
  4. Introduction and use of Raspberry Pi (broader); Hermann-Josef Mathes (KIT)
  5. Writing the doctoral thesis (better); Beate Bornschein (KIT)
  6. Multivariate methods of data analysis (TMVA) (broader); Helge Voss (CERN)
  7. Parallel Software Design for Scientists (broader); Benedikt Hegner (CERN)
  8. Scientific presentations (better); Erika Magyarosi (extern)


Please find the presentations here. The access is restricted to members of KIT, please use your KIT-username ("xy1234", not your e-mail address) and password.

KSETA Topical Courses October 2013

From October 7 to 15 the second block of KSETA courses took place. Most of the courses were fully booked with 30 participants.
These were the courses:

  1. Accelarator based particle physics (for astroparticle physicists); G. Quast
  2. Parallel programming and graphical processors in scientific applications; G. Poghosyan
  3. Data analysis and statistics for theoretician; R. Barlow
  4. Scientific programming with Mathematics; Th. Hahn
  5. The long journey to the Higgs boson and beyond at the LHC; P. Jenni
  6. Programmable Hardware; D. Göhringer
  7. Collaborative tools for software development; M. Heck
  8. Advanced technology at the LHC of CERN: Higgs boson and more; L. Rossi
  9. Management in enterprises and industry; U. Erdmann

Please find the presentations here. The access is restricted to members of KIT, please use your KIT-username ("xy1234", not your e-mail address) and password.

KSETA Topical Courses February 2013

From February 18 to 28 the first "KSETA topical courses" took place at KIT. More than 100 participants showed that the courses found the approval of the doctoral researchers. The number of participants per course varied from about 10 to nearly 30. All courses took place, none was cancelled, what showed that the broad offer of the school met the broad interest of the doctoral researchers.

These were the courses:

  1. Elementary particle physics and cosmology for engineers (and others); F. Klinkhamer (KIT)
  2. Informatics: Big-Data Tools; A. Streit, A. Heiss, D. Ressmann, A. Petzold (all KIT)
  3. Parallel software design for scientists; B. Hegner, T. Hauth, D. Piparo (all CERN)
  4. Electronics for detector builders; M. Weber (KIT)
  5. Monte Carlo Event Generators; S. Gieseke (KIT)
  6. Introduction to astroparticle physics, cosmology and neutrino physics; G. Drexlin (KIT)
  7. Detector technology in direct Dark Matter searches; W. Rau (Ontario, Canada)


Please find the presentations here. The access is restricted to members of KIT, please use your KIT-username ("xy1234", not your e-mail address) and password.